We are the Aberdeen Wapinschaw Association.

We organise the annual Wapinschaw Shooting Competitions

The Committee comprises members of the Cadet Organisations and Reserve Forces (serving and retired),
and executives of the Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club.

The Ranges for the Civilian Competitions are run by Aberdeen Gun Club members who are NRA Qualified.

The retired members of the Committee are no longer Qualified RCO's and their duties are limited to
Administration and Communications, and control of the magnificent trophies offered for competition.

Until 2010 the Saturday competition was a Military event. Competitors were from Regular and Reserve Personnel
from all three Services. We also had US Navy and US Marine Corps entrants until the closure of RAF Edzell.

The Sunday competitions were for Cadets and Civilian Gun Clubs.

In 2010, because of Army financial cutbacks, the military support for Wapinschaw was removed.

The remaining Committee thought it important that this historic event should continue and decided to restructure the event.

It is now a Civilian Gun Club weekend and competitors attend from all over the UK.

The Civilian Wapinschaw is recognised by the NRA as an important event.